Disclaimer : This is not a prediction of when the rapture would occur or end of the world will happen. I am not a date setter. Jesus said "No one knew the day or the hour" and who am I to claim the date. All I present here are the various interesting factors revealed to me for the past 6 months or so about year 2017 and the number 17. Whoever reads through, justify for yourselves through the word of God.
Try to read my previous article "Are we near the end times" if you haven't already before going through this article.
As the title suggests, I believe 2017 will be just the beginning of end times and I don't feel world will end in 2017 as that looks too soon. Why 2017? There are various factors point to year 2017 and I just get a feel that these many different reasons will not coincide just by chance.
1. Year 2017 is a jubilee year for hebrews (Starts at Oct 2, 2016 and ends at Sep 20, 2017) and from creation of man, it marks the 120th jubilee. God told Noah that the time of man will be 120 years Genesis 6:3, God gave man a time of 120 years during Noah's period to repent and then He destroyed the whole earth with great floods except for the household of Noah. So, the number 120 is set as a standard. Now, we are in Jubilee 120 which is 120 * 50 = 6000 years. I can assuredly say, the world will not go till next jubilee that occurs at 2067.
2. Surprisingly, the number of upcoming hebrew year is 5777 (check hebcal.com). Number 7 marks completion and 777 means perfect completion. But, perfect completion of what? Number 5 represents Grace and with 5777, I assume the grace given to human race is complete. More than a coincidence, I believe this is a divine representation.
3. Jesus spoke the Fig tree parable Matt 24:32. As most of the readers knew, the Fig tree represents the state of Israel. 2017 marks a very important milestone when we compare the significant events happened in Israel's history. First, the Zionism which sees the need for Israel was established at 1897, 120 years from 2017. The Balfour declaration which freed Israel from ottoman turkish empire happened in 1917, 100 years from 2017. The declaration of state of Israel was decided in 1947, 70 years period and the six day war to recapture Jerusalem happened in 1967, a 50 years from 2017. All these differences of 120, 100, 70 and 50 are significant in Biblical terms. Please refer to wiki to know more about the above events.
4. Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel who lived in 1200s prophecied that Israel would be under foreign rule of 8 Jubilees (8 x 50 = 400 years) and then will be delivered in 9th Jubilee. It got fulfilled in 1917 when General Edmund Allenby walked in the streets of Jerusalem. This was followed by Balfour declaration. The Rabbi also prophecied Jerusalem will be no man's land for one jubilee and then will become part of Israel again. This exactly got fulfilled in 1967 when Jerusalem was recaptured by Israel. But, the next important prophecy he gave was after the end of 9th jubilee, the messianic end times would begin and it points to 2017. Please search the web for more details on this prophecy by Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel.
Let's see how significant the number 17 is,
1. Number 7 marks completion and number 10 represents fulfillment in physical realm (10 great plagues of Egypt, the passover lamb was chosen on 10th day of first month Exo 12:3, 10 Commandments, 10th day of seventh month is the Day of Atonement Lev 23:27and 10 horns (kings) of end times Rev 17:12, 10 fingers in hands and legs). The product of these two numbers give 70 which is very significant number - 70 years of Babylonian captivity II Chr 36:27, Jer 29:10 and Dan 9:2, 70 is the number of Jacob's descendants who went to Egypt Exo 1:5, 70 elders along with Moses entered the presence of God in Mt. Sinai Exo 24:9, Jesus sent 70 disciples in set of 2, Luke 10:1. Same way, the sum of the 2 numbers gives 17.
2. 17 is the 7th prime number.
3. Miraculous catch of 153 fish is given in John 21:11. This number is very important otherwise this number wouldn't have been mentioned. This is an armstrong number (1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153). This number has a special connection with 17, 153 = 9 x 17. If we add 1+5+3, we get 9 and the remaining number that gives product is 153.
4. 153 is also 17th triangular number, whereas 66 (number of books in Bible) is the 13th triangular number. The row in which the number ends. Not only that, but 153 is also the sum of first 17 digits. Check this one out.
5. Page number 153 of New Testament in Tamil Bible has John 17 chapter. Page 777 of Old testament of tamil Bible has the chapter Proverbs 17.
6. Chapter 17 of Matthew speak about Transfiguration of Jesus (symbolizes transfiguration during rapture), Luke 17 speaks about the end time signs, John 17 starts with "Father, the hour is come". Revelation 17 speaks about final judgement of Babylon.
7. The Great floods started on 17th day of 2nd month of 600th year of Noah. The ark rested on 17th day of 7th month. Why on 17th of 2nd month is, it was mentioned that in the first day of the first month of Noah's 601 year, waters were dried up from earth. So, waters had been on the face of the earth for 314 days. To make it 314, the floods started on 2nd month 17th day. The number 314 is a divine number represents El-Shaddai (mathematical constant PI - 3.14). I will try to come up with different article for this one.
8. God's name - El-Shaddai was first revealed in Genesis 17:1 to Abraham when he was 99. (The 777th verse of Bible is Gen 28:3 and that starts with El-Shaddai where Isaac bless Jacob.)
9. Joseph was 17 years of age when he was sold to Ishmaelites by his brothers. Gen 37:2 I presume David was also 17 years when he was anointed by Samuel though there is no scriptural evidence.
10. The 777th chapter of the Bible is Jeremiah 32 and in that chapter Jeremiah bought the field of his uncle's son for 17 shekeel's of silver.
Jer 32:9
11. The sum of digits (1+7) is 8 represents Salvation. (please check my earlier article).
12. The smallest chapter of the Bible is Psalms 117. This is also the central chapter of the Bible (595th of total 1189 chapters).
One personal revelation is, when I was thinking about the above points on 8th May 2016, Sunday and walked into the church, the corresponding daily Bible reading chapter that day was Psalms 17. Couple of months later during Wimbledon 2016, it striked me that one of the world's all times great, Roger Federer won 17 (7 Wimbledon + 10 others) grand slams till date. Next US president will come to power in 2017 and I could add few more.
With all the above points, I want to believe the rapture would happen in 2017. But, I am not very sure. It may or may not happen as it is a divine appointment. But all I could say it, the end time events would occur faster from next year and any time we may expect. In my last article, I mainly addressed non believers at the end. But, I would really like to address fellow christians here. Please check your ways. If you are sleeping, please wake up, fix things before the sight of the Lord, renew your spirit before it is really too late. If you are already in God, walk upright, be more holy and righteous, for your rewards will be many in heaven. If you are eagerly watching for His return, then rejoice and lift up your heads as the time draws nigh and patience is the key as there are many decievers around.
All Glory, Honor and Praise be to God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Maranatha, Amen.
Try to read my previous article "Are we near the end times" if you haven't already before going through this article.
As the title suggests, I believe 2017 will be just the beginning of end times and I don't feel world will end in 2017 as that looks too soon. Why 2017? There are various factors point to year 2017 and I just get a feel that these many different reasons will not coincide just by chance.
1. Year 2017 is a jubilee year for hebrews (Starts at Oct 2, 2016 and ends at Sep 20, 2017) and from creation of man, it marks the 120th jubilee. God told Noah that the time of man will be 120 years Genesis 6:3, God gave man a time of 120 years during Noah's period to repent and then He destroyed the whole earth with great floods except for the household of Noah. So, the number 120 is set as a standard. Now, we are in Jubilee 120 which is 120 * 50 = 6000 years. I can assuredly say, the world will not go till next jubilee that occurs at 2067.
2. Surprisingly, the number of upcoming hebrew year is 5777 (check hebcal.com). Number 7 marks completion and 777 means perfect completion. But, perfect completion of what? Number 5 represents Grace and with 5777, I assume the grace given to human race is complete. More than a coincidence, I believe this is a divine representation.
3. Jesus spoke the Fig tree parable Matt 24:32. As most of the readers knew, the Fig tree represents the state of Israel. 2017 marks a very important milestone when we compare the significant events happened in Israel's history. First, the Zionism which sees the need for Israel was established at 1897, 120 years from 2017. The Balfour declaration which freed Israel from ottoman turkish empire happened in 1917, 100 years from 2017. The declaration of state of Israel was decided in 1947, 70 years period and the six day war to recapture Jerusalem happened in 1967, a 50 years from 2017. All these differences of 120, 100, 70 and 50 are significant in Biblical terms. Please refer to wiki to know more about the above events.
4. Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel who lived in 1200s prophecied that Israel would be under foreign rule of 8 Jubilees (8 x 50 = 400 years) and then will be delivered in 9th Jubilee. It got fulfilled in 1917 when General Edmund Allenby walked in the streets of Jerusalem. This was followed by Balfour declaration. The Rabbi also prophecied Jerusalem will be no man's land for one jubilee and then will become part of Israel again. This exactly got fulfilled in 1967 when Jerusalem was recaptured by Israel. But, the next important prophecy he gave was after the end of 9th jubilee, the messianic end times would begin and it points to 2017. Please search the web for more details on this prophecy by Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel.
Let's see how significant the number 17 is,
1. Number 7 marks completion and number 10 represents fulfillment in physical realm (10 great plagues of Egypt, the passover lamb was chosen on 10th day of first month Exo 12:3, 10 Commandments, 10th day of seventh month is the Day of Atonement Lev 23:27and 10 horns (kings) of end times Rev 17:12, 10 fingers in hands and legs). The product of these two numbers give 70 which is very significant number - 70 years of Babylonian captivity II Chr 36:27, Jer 29:10 and Dan 9:2, 70 is the number of Jacob's descendants who went to Egypt Exo 1:5, 70 elders along with Moses entered the presence of God in Mt. Sinai Exo 24:9, Jesus sent 70 disciples in set of 2, Luke 10:1. Same way, the sum of the 2 numbers gives 17.
2. 17 is the 7th prime number.
3. Miraculous catch of 153 fish is given in John 21:11. This number is very important otherwise this number wouldn't have been mentioned. This is an armstrong number (1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153). This number has a special connection with 17, 153 = 9 x 17. If we add 1+5+3, we get 9 and the remaining number that gives product is 153.
4. 153 is also 17th triangular number, whereas 66 (number of books in Bible) is the 13th triangular number. The row in which the number ends. Not only that, but 153 is also the sum of first 17 digits. Check this one out.
5. Page number 153 of New Testament in Tamil Bible has John 17 chapter. Page 777 of Old testament of tamil Bible has the chapter Proverbs 17.
6. Chapter 17 of Matthew speak about Transfiguration of Jesus (symbolizes transfiguration during rapture), Luke 17 speaks about the end time signs, John 17 starts with "Father, the hour is come". Revelation 17 speaks about final judgement of Babylon.
7. The Great floods started on 17th day of 2nd month of 600th year of Noah. The ark rested on 17th day of 7th month. Why on 17th of 2nd month is, it was mentioned that in the first day of the first month of Noah's 601 year, waters were dried up from earth. So, waters had been on the face of the earth for 314 days. To make it 314, the floods started on 2nd month 17th day. The number 314 is a divine number represents El-Shaddai (mathematical constant PI - 3.14). I will try to come up with different article for this one.
8. God's name - El-Shaddai was first revealed in Genesis 17:1 to Abraham when he was 99. (The 777th verse of Bible is Gen 28:3 and that starts with El-Shaddai where Isaac bless Jacob.)
9. Joseph was 17 years of age when he was sold to Ishmaelites by his brothers. Gen 37:2 I presume David was also 17 years when he was anointed by Samuel though there is no scriptural evidence.
10. The 777th chapter of the Bible is Jeremiah 32 and in that chapter Jeremiah bought the field of his uncle's son for 17 shekeel's of silver.
Jer 32:9
11. The sum of digits (1+7) is 8 represents Salvation. (please check my earlier article).
12. The smallest chapter of the Bible is Psalms 117. This is also the central chapter of the Bible (595th of total 1189 chapters).
One personal revelation is, when I was thinking about the above points on 8th May 2016, Sunday and walked into the church, the corresponding daily Bible reading chapter that day was Psalms 17. Couple of months later during Wimbledon 2016, it striked me that one of the world's all times great, Roger Federer won 17 (7 Wimbledon + 10 others) grand slams till date. Next US president will come to power in 2017 and I could add few more.
With all the above points, I want to believe the rapture would happen in 2017. But, I am not very sure. It may or may not happen as it is a divine appointment. But all I could say it, the end time events would occur faster from next year and any time we may expect. In my last article, I mainly addressed non believers at the end. But, I would really like to address fellow christians here. Please check your ways. If you are sleeping, please wake up, fix things before the sight of the Lord, renew your spirit before it is really too late. If you are already in God, walk upright, be more holy and righteous, for your rewards will be many in heaven. If you are eagerly watching for His return, then rejoice and lift up your heads as the time draws nigh and patience is the key as there are many decievers around.
All Glory, Honor and Praise be to God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Maranatha, Amen.