Monday, June 26, 2017

Old covenant vs New covenant - Part 1

I am very glad to present my 30th article in this blog. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to write what he reveals to me. I still remember when God gave this interest, I created this blog some 4 years back but just put a title of my first topic "Word of God" and the John 1:1 verse alone and it has been 2 years post when the Holy Spirit empowered me and by His grace and strength I write the 30th article today. Please pray for me that God may give more articles and reveal more secrets from the scriptures so that I can present them in the form of articles and through sermons and the Lord may give me more time to write. All praise and glory to God and let the Lord alone be magnified.

In this post, we will see in detail about the old covenant and new covenant. I have written a lot about the covenants in my earlier chapter but hadn't dealt with them directly. In this post, let us examine both the covenants and compare them. Understanding the new covenant is essential to inherit the promises and blessings that had been made to Abraham. As a church, we are not Israelites (unless the reader is a Jew or Israelite by birth) but as a gentile church, we are also sons and daughters of Abraham through our faith in Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To start with, the Bible is divided in two parts, Old testament and New testament. The old testament stands for old covenant and the new testament for new covenant. The old testament deals with the account of the nation of Israel, the descendants of Jacob (Israel), the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. The new testament deals with the account of son of man, Jesus Christ who is God Himself. If you ever read and understood the book of Galatians, this post will make more sense as the crux of Galatians is with new covenant.

To understand this completely, we need to examine the jewish principles. In old testament, God called Abraham and told that He will make Him a great nation and as He promised, He created the nation of Israel through Jacob and His 12 sons and their generations. The nation of Israelites, as the children of Abraham, are the direct heirs of all the possessions and blessings of God. The Lord called them as His own. God told in Deuteronomy 7:6 as "For thou  art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that  are upon the face of the earth." Even Paul the Apostle, in his letter to Romans stress this point out. "Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;" Romans 9:4. The jews today have a great zeal for God, no doubt about that. Even Paul says that in Romans 10:2, but at the same time he decrees it as not according to knowledge. "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge."
So, in short, any orthodox jew cannot accept a gentile being accepted by God as His own because they consider it as a birthright of Israelite or Jew. That was an abomination to them.

Jews couldn't simply accept the idea but that's where they all mistaken. They didn't understand the God's purpose and plans He had for mankind. God is so huge that if He is just a God for a nation and a group, it doesn't make justice to Him. So, God decided to save the entire world but for that He Himself has to come as a man to set things straight and that's why God took the form of flesh in the name of Jesus and born in this world through Mary. When He took the human form, He took a lower form of human, a form of suffering servant, and hence called as son of man as well as son of God instead of directly called as God. Again a fulfilment of Psalm 8:4 explained in Heb 2:6-10. What Jews missed in prophecies is the part of Isaiah where God specifically called it is not a big thing for Him to save just Israelites or Jews alone through the servant but to make Him a light to the nations unto the ends of the world. This verse stands as a testimony against those who claim that the God is only for jews. "And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth." Isaiah 49:6. So, those who read just think about this. On the other hand, whoever believe in the name of Jesus and have faith in Him as their own Lord and Savior are considered as direct heirs and children of living God. John 1:12. Romans chapters 9 to 11 clearly explains why jews were rejected by God and how gentiles are accepted by the sacrifice of Jesus. A must read.

Remember God made a blood covenant with Abraham and His descendants through circumcision and everyone in Abraham's household was circumcised. Genesis 17:10-27. Later when God gave the Law and commandments at Mt. Sinai through Moses, God confirms this covenant with them and what that means is whomsoever a descendant of Abraham through bloodline is supposed to undergo circumcision and whoever undergoing circumcision is under the law and he is supposed to fulfill all the commandments given under the law. But, what happened later is important. Generation after generation, the Israelites gradually withdrawn themselves from the Lord and started to worship other idols and ignored the law altogether. Then, God told through prophets that He abolishes the covenant that He made with Israelites because they didn't stand in that. At the outset, it looks like Israelites were not able to fulfill the law and got what they deserved. But, if you think more and meditate more, you will realize something. The divine plan of God. Yes, it is the divine design of God to show His grace towards mankind. God gave the commandments to Israelites at Mt. Sinai but didn't give them a heart and mind to obey those commandments. That's why most of them were not able to follow that and they often failed that. Later when they transgressed more and more, God announced through prophets that He abolished the old covenant that He made with Israelites. We can read this in Jeremiah and Ezekiel that God says He will establish new covenant with Israelites. Jer 31:31,32, Ezekiel 16:59,60. Under this, God promises to give them a new heart and a spirit through which He makes us follow His laws and commandments. Jer 31:33, Ezekiel 36:26,27. This is again quoted in Hebrews 8:6-12. The author of Hebrews finishes with an emphatic statement, that by calling it a New covenant, God made the law given to Moses at Mt. Sinai an old one and the old should vanish away.

But, How God can abolish the old covenant He made with Abraham? To replace the old covenant, there needs to be something superior has to be sacrificed in place of old circumcision based covenant. The superior thing is the most supreme thing one could ever think of. That is, sacrifice of God Himself on the cross and that could only happen if our Lord takes human form and that's the exact plan of God and divine design. To make His grace available to all the people, to fulfill the promise He made via Isaiah 49:6, the word of God took the form of flesh and offered the perfect sacrifice. Jesus came among Israelites, in the bloodline of Judah, in the generation of David and He is a jew by birth. He did many miracles to the jews, priests and pharisees. Did good to all the people. But, they rejected Him to be their Savior (Messiah) because they were expecting the Messiah to give them deliverance from the then Roman government and they were expecting a King and He didn't fit in to their expectations and they crucified Him finally. But, they didn't understand how the prophecies of old testament will fulfill and they didn't understand the mind of God. Even, until today and that's why they refuse Christ. In turn God rejected them fulfilling His prophecies, by accepting the gentiles. Praise and glory be to God, He made salvation available to everyone freely through the faith in Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul explained this in Romans 9 - 11 and finally wonders about the God's wisdom at the end of the chapter of Romans 11. Finally, what would happen is until a completion comes in the Church of Jesus Christ, there will be a portion of remnants in Israel and Jews who won't accept Jesus Romans 11:25 and at the end through the disobedience of gentiles, the last portion of Israelites would be accepted. Romans 11:29-31. At the end, Paul exhorts,  "For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all." Romans 11:32. So, this is all a divine plan of God and we need to accept that as such. Paul wonders finally by quoting Isaiah 40:13,14 - "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable  are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!, For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counselor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom  be glory for ever. Amen." Romans 11:33-36.

After analyzing all this and seeing God's mind and will, knowing God knows the end before the beginning, we can say that God gave the old covenant in order to establish the New covenant through Jesus Christ in appointed time. So, until that time, old covenant ruled and law was mentioned as school master in Galatians 3:24,25. Ever thought why it was called school master? Because, a student will obey and afraid for school master only till the time he is in school. Once he is out of school, he no longer needs to fear about the school master. He is matured now and older enough to do things that he got from his school. That's what exactly it means. Law was only allowed to rule until the greater thing which is called faith comes. To understand more, read and meditate Galatians chapters 2 through 4. Let's close this portion with this understanding of Old covenant and New covenant, and let's examine about fulfilling the commandments which was the basis of old covenant against living in spirit which is the crux of the new covenant in next part and conclude the comparison of old covenant and new covenant. All praise, honor and glory to God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Writing my next article after quiet some time. I was on vacation during the month of May and couldn't find time for the next article. As I am getting busier in my works as well, I want to set aside a time to write more articles as the Lord gives me more content. Today, June 11th, we celebrate the last church festival of this year, which is festival of Trinity. So, to bring glory to the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this article has a three repeating letters PPP.

Last month when I was driving to work, I was thinking about patience and when I thought more about it I remembered about the concept of 3P (PPP) which I read long back in management principle. The 3P in business stands for People, Process and the Product. When I was thinking about that, the Holy Spirit told me there is PPP (3P) with respect to spiritual things as well and then the Lord revealed me that the 3Ps stand for Patience, Perseverance and Persistence.

I wondered a long time about the late Dr. DGS Dhinakaran who was a powerful man of God. He had preached to millions about the love of Jesus and demonstrated the power of God in a mighty way. God healed plenty of people through His ministries and did miracles for millions of people. He did a powerful ministry of God and the grace of God is still with the Jesus Calls ministry which He found. I wondered many times what is the secret behind His successful ministry. But, the Holy Spirit answered me the secret behind the power and anointing in his ministry is because of PPP - Patience, Perseverance and Persistence.

Dhinakaran faced lot of struggles in his early life due to failures in studies, unemployment, poverty and was depressed. He decided to commit suicide by falling before train and he started walking towards nearby train track. But, on the way, he met his uncle who told him about Jesus and he decided to pray to the Lord. When he prayed, the Lord showed him his past sins and he repented of them immediately. He got an inner piece afterwards and then from that day, his life changed. He started tasting success in education and got a job. But, the real difference in Dhinakaran's life is he started seeking the Lord continuously through prayer and Bible reading everyday. He was so consistent and faithful in his ways in front of the Lord. At the end of 7 years, when he earnestly prayed for the anointing of Holy Spirit, He received a visitation from Lord Jesus and then the Holy Spirit started His work in him. And still he continued earnestly with his call and at a later point of his life, he received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and started to minister for Lord in a powerful manner. The secret behind his anointing is the patience, perseverance and persistence that he had towards the Lord. Brother Dhinakaran's life itself is greatest testimony for our living God because a man who was about to end his life came back and preached and brought the love of Christ to millions of people. This can only possible with Lord Jesus Christ.

Many young people get saved, they immediately start to do some ministry and later they grow weary and then deceived by the devil and changed their tracks. But, those powerful anointed ministers, who shine for Lord Jesus today, if we go and search their past, they would have certified truthful and sincere in all their troubles and temptations. Throughout their difficulties and challenges, they would have had PPP. Anyone, who wanted to do the will of God, should have these three Ps and should be ready to wait even for years to know the will of God before jumping into the ministry.

The Holy Spirit instructed me about each of this 'P' in the life of patriarchs. I never thought that one before though I know the scriptures but when Holy Spirit told me, it was clear. The first P stands for Patience. The first patriarch is Abraham from whom Judaism, Islam and Christianity derived. I believe the entire world population may be the descendants of Abraham now though not all of them are spiritual. Why Abraham is so special? We can easily answer because he is the father of faith. Yes, it is absolutely true that Abraham was called friend of God because of his faith. But, Hebrews says it was not only his faith but it was also his patience that he waited on the Lord to give the first promised legal heir, Isaac. "And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise." Heb 6:15. Even, we need patience along with faith to receive the promises of God as our God never acted out in hurry. He will have plans for our entire life span and if we expect quick fixes, it is not going to work. The same chapter advice us to follow the footsteps of Abraham as his children. "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Heb 6:12. Is God's promises yet to be fulfilled in your life? Never let your patience worn out. Abide in the scriptures and prayers and God will fulfill His promises in His time.

The second 'P' stands for perseverance. It is not sufficient to have patience alone but we need to follow up along with patience. Perseverance is unrelenting effort on something unless it is achieved. Let's see the second patriarch, Isaac. When he was living in the land of philistines, there was a famine in the land. But, Isaac went and sowed and God blessed him hundred fold and he became great. Gen 26:1, 12-14. Remember, Isaac was already rich because Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac apart from what he shared to the sons of Keturah. Gen 25:5,6. But, Isaac just didn't depend on the cattle stock for his living but he chose to sow the fields and God gave him a big fold reward for his efforts. Then, Philistines envied him and argued with him regarding his wells three times. But, Isaac didn't just leave it as such. He continued to dig wells unless the philistines stops their fight. This shows his perseverance amidst the opposition. We may do small works for the Lord as sowing directly represents sharing the word of God and when it looks like we are getting water, the devil (philistines) may come and try to spoil our work and even the evil forces may get success. But, if we persevere, we will reap the rewards for our efforts and perseverance from the Lord.

The third 'P' stands for persistence. We see it in the life of the third patriarch Jacob. We may see the character of Jacob from his early childhood. Whatever he does, his eyes will always be on one thing, that is blessing. He took the firstborn right from Esau and the type of Esau represents people who just want to satisfy their momentary worldly pleasures. Later the price they pay is so great that is they lose their eternal life for this momentary pleasures. More specifically, Esau was compared to those who commit fornication and adultery in Hebrews. "Lest there  be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears." Hebrews 12:16.17. How true? Hope that doesn't need much more explanation as the verses explains. Immoral sexual activities may give momentary pleasure and satisfaction, but it takes out the eternal life of the soul. On the other hand, Jacob was focused on the blessings. The second time, he deceived his father, not by himself but through the advice of his mother. God too wishes to bless people like Jacob who wants to seek blessing. At a later point of time, psalmist too writes, "As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him." Psalm 109:17.

We need to love the blessings that come from the Lord. There are people who teach that we should not look for blessing, we should not seek blessing, we should only live holy and righteous life for the Lord. Actually, we need to rightly divide the word of God. Blessing doesn't just apply to material possessions and money alone. There are spiritual blessings (for soul and spirit), good health (for body) and material possessions for a good living. We should seek the blessings of the Lord not the blessings of this world alone. But, this kind of people try to outsmart God with their holiness and righteousness, but at the end they will realize they are foolish. I will try to explain this on a dedicated chapter. For now, just want to say in short that we should live a holy life, righteous life but at the same time a blessed life as per 3 John 2.

Coming back to Jacob, his persistence with blessing is revealed when he wrestled with the Lord for blessing. The interesting point here is, Jacob was already blessed with two bands of cattle stock. He said that he crossed the river Jordan with empty hand and a staff but he had been blessed with two bands of animal stock, wealth and family members and He confess he was not worthy to receive them all. Gen 32:10. This shows the humbleness of the man and as we read in our last chapter, God favors the humble. This time he is praying for a protection from his brother Esau. verse 11. But, at that point the Lord himself came down but Jacob catch hold of him for the entire night and asks for His blessing. Because, he knows when he gets this particular blessing of the Lord, he will be protected and he can guard his other material blessings. He wrestled with the Lord for entire night and Lord Himself gave a certificate that He will be called Israel which means a prince who prevailed with God and Men. That made the name of Jacob and Israel special. That night made the difference. Every other book of the Bible speaks about the name of Israel or Jacob continuously. We should be persistence in going after God's blessings, we shouldn't stop when we didn't get. Anyone who asks will receive. Remember the code - ASK (Ask, Seek and Knock) Ask and it will be given, Seek, you will find and Knock, it will be open to you. Matthew 7:7. When you pray with code ASK, look for greater things such as the power to change the world, your surroundings, greater things, inheritance of the land. Ask for great measure of Holy Spirit, fruits of the Holy spirit and all the gifts. You need a thirsty towards all these great things and spiritual blessings. But, you should have PPP after ASK to receive what you have asked. If you endure, you will receive for sure. If you ask like a grown up man, you will receive. If you are like childish just asking a for a meager increase in salary or promotion or for material or for money, you will receive little.

Pray for the perishing souls with patience, perseverance and persistence. Finally, I close this with Paul's advice to Galatians, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal 6:9. All glory, honor and praise to God, the Father, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.