Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4
I wish all the readers of this article a blessed and joyful New Year 2020 in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After a long break and after completing the long running New Creation series, I am happy to inform the readers that I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the research articles again. This is the 47th article of this blog. The number 47 is very significant in the Biblical Context. We will see the importance at the end of the article.
The message that God gave for this article is to Rejoice in Him all the times. As it is a new year, every one look forward for this year with great hope and fresh beginnings. God too says to His people rejoice in Him always no matter what could be the situation because He is in sovereign control over everything. Not even a single hair of yours will fall without His will.
Problems and worries are part of this human life and each person goes through one or the other problem during his life time. It could be a family burden, work pressure, financial issues or something else. But, the Holy Spirit says to rejoice in the Lord always. You may think, how is is possible to rejoice when we have problems. But, just realizing the Almighty God who is in charge of each second of our life is always there to take care of us amidst of all problems, will make us rejoice. It is written that the very number of the hairs in our head are counted and known by God. That is His wisdom, power, and sovereign authority. He takes good care of us.
But, even after telling to rejoice, the Holy Spirit always knows worries will be there. So, He says in the subsequent verse as follows, Do not worry for anything; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6. If you submit your problems to God with truth and faith, then the next verse will fulfill in your life. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7. The peace of God surpasses all human understanding, this is the peace that Jesus was telling to His disciples. This peace cannot be given by the world but only by Jesus.
Until this point of time, the people of God were mourning and Jesus said you will mourn but world will be happy. But, from this point onwards, God says, Your sorrow will turn to joy. John 16:20.
Let's see the impact of number 47 in few points and wrap this article. Important prophetical significance is associated with this.
1. Genesis 7:11 says "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.". This means first month has 30 days and the 17 days into the second month, the total gives, it is the 47th day of the year when the great floods started. We have already seen the importance of 17.
2. The previous verse 10 says, "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth" which means Noah and His family entered the ark on the 40th day of the year and 7 days pass was observed by the Lord.
3. 47 is the 15th prime number. 15 can be written as 5+5+5 or and for every 5 if we use roman number V, it looks like VVV and it can also be written as Victory-Victory-Victory. King Hezekiah got a 15 year extension.
4. As of now, we have the 45th US president in Donald Trump. But, I believe everything would come to a close with the 47th US president which probably would happen in next two terms. But, when exactly that? We have to wait and see. I may be wrong here.
5. During the time of this writing, US and Iran are engaged in a warlike situation and that could escalate. But, I hope it will settle as small wars and will not escalate to World War 3 since Matthew 24 will happen again and the gospel will be preached unto all the nations before the end comes. Psalm 46:9. The LORD said Settle guys, War is over. Time is not yet up for WW3. The World will see the power of the Holy God for one final time as per Psalm 46:10.
6. Anyhow, we are getting to a dramatic closure with maximum time frame of next two decades before the glorious return of Christ and within this decade one can expect the rapture to happen and if not this decade, it will happen within 2035.
7. As per things revealed to me, the potential rapture timeline is 2020 to 2034 with higher chance of rapture happening within 2020 to 2028. But, I cannot reveal more details since they are kept us secrets and no man knows the exact day or year.
8. Psalm 47 is the first psalm that denotes the divine reign of God. Please read that Psalm where it hails the Lord God and the last verse says people are saved as the people of Abraham who is the Father of faith. People are saved not by works by through faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ.
9. 4+7 = 11 which is the number of Joseph. Joseph is one of the best foreshadows of Christ. The name Jesus Christ has 11 letters.
10. AK-47 is the rifle name that was originally invented in Russia and named as Automatic gun of Kalashnikov and 47 came because of it was completed in the year 1947.
11. Same way, in 1947, 29th November the decision to partition Israel was in place. So, 47 is way too significant. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reigns not only from heavens but in earth as well. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY !!!.
But, what a glorious time we are living in. Everything comes to a dramatic close as we near the 2000 year of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. We may expect our savior soon. There are lot of other prophecies fulfilled which I cannot reveal in open forum like this. But, God has started to fulfill the OT prophecies in full swing from the year 2020. All His true children across the earth will rejoice but the wicked will have no peace.
May God be with you all, bless you, protect you and give you His divine peace. All glory, honor and praise to God, the Father, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
I wish all the readers of this article a blessed and joyful New Year 2020 in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After a long break and after completing the long running New Creation series, I am happy to inform the readers that I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the research articles again. This is the 47th article of this blog. The number 47 is very significant in the Biblical Context. We will see the importance at the end of the article.
The message that God gave for this article is to Rejoice in Him all the times. As it is a new year, every one look forward for this year with great hope and fresh beginnings. God too says to His people rejoice in Him always no matter what could be the situation because He is in sovereign control over everything. Not even a single hair of yours will fall without His will.
Problems and worries are part of this human life and each person goes through one or the other problem during his life time. It could be a family burden, work pressure, financial issues or something else. But, the Holy Spirit says to rejoice in the Lord always. You may think, how is is possible to rejoice when we have problems. But, just realizing the Almighty God who is in charge of each second of our life is always there to take care of us amidst of all problems, will make us rejoice. It is written that the very number of the hairs in our head are counted and known by God. That is His wisdom, power, and sovereign authority. He takes good care of us.
But, even after telling to rejoice, the Holy Spirit always knows worries will be there. So, He says in the subsequent verse as follows, Do not worry for anything; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6. If you submit your problems to God with truth and faith, then the next verse will fulfill in your life. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7. The peace of God surpasses all human understanding, this is the peace that Jesus was telling to His disciples. This peace cannot be given by the world but only by Jesus.
Until this point of time, the people of God were mourning and Jesus said you will mourn but world will be happy. But, from this point onwards, God says, Your sorrow will turn to joy. John 16:20.
Let's see the impact of number 47 in few points and wrap this article. Important prophetical significance is associated with this.
1. Genesis 7:11 says "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.". This means first month has 30 days and the 17 days into the second month, the total gives, it is the 47th day of the year when the great floods started. We have already seen the importance of 17.
2. The previous verse 10 says, "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth" which means Noah and His family entered the ark on the 40th day of the year and 7 days pass was observed by the Lord.
3. 47 is the 15th prime number. 15 can be written as 5+5+5 or and for every 5 if we use roman number V, it looks like VVV and it can also be written as Victory-Victory-Victory. King Hezekiah got a 15 year extension.
4. As of now, we have the 45th US president in Donald Trump. But, I believe everything would come to a close with the 47th US president which probably would happen in next two terms. But, when exactly that? We have to wait and see. I may be wrong here.
5. During the time of this writing, US and Iran are engaged in a warlike situation and that could escalate. But, I hope it will settle as small wars and will not escalate to World War 3 since Matthew 24 will happen again and the gospel will be preached unto all the nations before the end comes. Psalm 46:9. The LORD said Settle guys, War is over. Time is not yet up for WW3. The World will see the power of the Holy God for one final time as per Psalm 46:10.
6. Anyhow, we are getting to a dramatic closure with maximum time frame of next two decades before the glorious return of Christ and within this decade one can expect the rapture to happen and if not this decade, it will happen within 2035.
7. As per things revealed to me, the potential rapture timeline is 2020 to 2034 with higher chance of rapture happening within 2020 to 2028. But, I cannot reveal more details since they are kept us secrets and no man knows the exact day or year.
8. Psalm 47 is the first psalm that denotes the divine reign of God. Please read that Psalm where it hails the Lord God and the last verse says people are saved as the people of Abraham who is the Father of faith. People are saved not by works by through faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ.
9. 4+7 = 11 which is the number of Joseph. Joseph is one of the best foreshadows of Christ. The name Jesus Christ has 11 letters.
10. AK-47 is the rifle name that was originally invented in Russia and named as Automatic gun of Kalashnikov and 47 came because of it was completed in the year 1947.
11. Same way, in 1947, 29th November the decision to partition Israel was in place. So, 47 is way too significant. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reigns not only from heavens but in earth as well. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY !!!.
But, what a glorious time we are living in. Everything comes to a dramatic close as we near the 2000 year of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. We may expect our savior soon. There are lot of other prophecies fulfilled which I cannot reveal in open forum like this. But, God has started to fulfill the OT prophecies in full swing from the year 2020. All His true children across the earth will rejoice but the wicked will have no peace.
May God be with you all, bless you, protect you and give you His divine peace. All glory, honor and praise to God, the Father, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.