Saturday, November 14, 2020

2023/2024 Year of great significance and possible year of rapture?

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13  

Greetings to the readers in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am writing the 51st article in christianlifeonline after a long time. The day of writing this is 14-November. I am going through plenty of troubles and please keep me and my family in your prayers that God delivers me out of all troubles and give me rest. 

In this chapter, we are going to see an important information about why 2023/2024 could be the year of our blessed hope. The title verse Titus 2:13 says the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ for us is that glorious hope and we are called to look for that. God gave me some revelations couple of years back regarding what could be the possible year of this blessed hope can be. You may well ask, our Lord said that no one knows the day or the hour. The Lord told only we cannot know the day, but still we should be able to know the year if we argue literally. But, I am not going to assert it will definitely happen in the year 2023 but I am just wondering based on the proofs. Again, it is my opinion but what I am sure is the year 2023 is going to be very significant based on the following revelations. Let's directly get into the evidences. 

To prove any matter in the Bible, we need minimum 2 or 3 testimonies as per 2 Cor 13:1, John 8:17 and Deuteronomy 19:15. Let's see how 2023 can be arrived based on the witnesses from the scriptures. 

1. The first and primary evidence is derived from the age of Abraham. If you calculate the ages from genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, we can derive that Abraham was born on year 1948 from the creation of Adam. It can be confirmed from the following link, So, the father of the nation of Israel was born on the year 1948. What is amazing was, the nation of Israel was reborn nearly after 2000 years in 1948 AD after their dispersal in 70 AD. Is it a coincidence? Definitely not, God has appointed in this way so that He can reveal more secrets for a later generation. We are that generation. You may ask what is the secret. The huge hidden clue is Abraham left to the land of Canaan at his age of 75 Gen 12:4 which is 2023rd year after creation of Adam. So, shall we move to our eternal Canaan in year 2023 AD? How amazing and how significant this evidence is? More to follow. Check this video about Abraham's timeline -

2. The second evidence is from Daniel. The chapter 12 of the book of Daniel says this, And from the time  that the daily  sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. Daniel 12:11,12. The abomination of desolation could mean multiple things. One of the things could be the Al Aqsa (Dome of Rock) mosque standing on the Holy Temple mount site. This structure's basement was laid on 688 AD. One day can be considered as one year as per Ezekiel prophecy in Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34. So, if we add 1335 years to 688 we come to 2023 AD. The popular 1260 days addition from 688 leads to 1948. Check this video out for more details,

3. Hebrew year of 2017/18 is 5777. Lamech was aged 777 and 5 years after his death the great floods started. So, there are 5 years. In 2018, Billy Graham passed away and then in May 14, 2018, Donald Trump moved the embassy of US to Jerusalem signifying the 70 years of independence in 2018. This is on Hebrew year 5778. But, 5 year addition will reach 2023. Number 5 stands for grace.

4. When Joshua led the Israelites to Canaan, there are 5 years of war before rest. How can we be sure that there are only 5 years of war as it is not directly given in the scriptures. We have a clue in Caleb's age. By calculating it we can derive the number of years of war before rest is attained. Joshua 14 contains this important clue. The first 3 verses of Joshua ascertains that the sharing of the land happened which says that the war was over. The last verse of Joshua 14 says that the land had rest from war. Now, Caleb says that he was 40 years old when Moses sent him to spy on land in verse 7. In verse 10, Caleb says that he is 85 years old. Wow, that gives clear information. We all knew that the Lord pronounced judgement on the rebelling Israelites that they will not enter the promised land for 40 years which means Caleb crossed the Jordan river at his 80 years of age and then there were 5 years of spiritual war from 2018. So, now we are in the time of war, so don't run out of patience.

5. The last major war between Israel and a group of Arab nations was the Yom Kippur war and that happened on 1973. We will reach the jubilee year from this war in 2023.

6. Most popular chapter in the entire Bible could be easily Psalm 23.

7. Three 3 digit triangular  numbers are mentioned in new testament. They are 153 (John 21:11), 276 (Acts 27:37) and 666 (Revelation 13:18). Here, the first star number is T(17) = 153 and second one is T(23) = 276 and T(36) = 666. So, the initial tribulation started at 2017 and rapture might happen in 2023 and final tribulation could start at 2036. But, this is just a speculation. Search for triangular numbers in the google. That will be interesting.

8. The festivals of Israel that point to Jesus birth, crucifixion, resurrection and Holy Spirit's downpour on pentecost and same chapter also gives information about fall feasts about feast of trumpets, day of atonement and tabernacles. These festivals may correspond to rapture, armageddon war and 1000 year reign start of Christ. All of these festivals are mentioned in Leviticus chapter number 23.

9. There are 2300 days given in Daniel 8:14 and 23000 Israelites were dead in one day as given in 1 Cor 10:8. They have base number 23.

10. Psalm 90 was written by Moses hides very important information. In that Psalm, the God's man Moses prays to God to teach them the wisdom to count the number of days. In the same Psalm, there are two important numbers. One is verse 4 that says 1000 years is a day in the sight of the Lord and equal to a watch (People usually miss the 'watch' stuff here but it is very important as Jesus said he would return in 2nd or 3rd watch Luke 12:38,39. This is another point, but let's not go into that now.). The second important verse in Psalm 90 about numbers is verse 10 where Moses says the days of our years are 70 and by reason of strength 80 years. But, the age during the period of Moses is well more than 100. Moses himself lived for 120 years and Joshua for 110 years. But, why Moses is saying 70 or 80? The 'our' in that verse doesn't mean the individual but it means the nation of Israel itself and now we know Israel is 70 years and it is already moving to 80 by reason of strength. But, the midpoint would be 75 which would be 2023.

11. 23 is the last single digit prime number i.e. 9th prime number and addendum of the digits 2+0+2+3 gives 7, the number of perfection.

12. Originally, the Old testament is written in Hebrew and New testament is written in Greek. There are total of 22 Hebrew letters that means completion and 23 is the next number. The greek language consists of 24 letters and the midpoint of 22 and 24 is 23.

13. The 22nd book of the Bible is Song of Songs that depicts the readiness of the bride. But, the 23rd book Isaiah is the first prophetic book that has 66 chapters corresponding to the 66 books of the Bible. So, 23 book represents the overall fulfillment of the entire scriptures.

14. We all know that the smallest chapter in the entire Bible is Psalm 117 and contains just 2 verses. But, we may not know that the only book that contains 2 chapters is the book of Haggai which is the 37th book of the Bible. Number 37 signifies Wisdom in Hebrew. This book contains 38 verses out of which the first chapter contains 15 verses and the second chapter contains 23 verses. This could mean 2015 to 2023 could be the initial tribulation times.

15. The first verse of the Bible Genesis 1:1 has a Hebrew gematria value of 2701. You may google search this one. But, the middle word of this verse is Aleph-Tav (first and last letter of Hebrew alphabets and this corresponds to Alpha Omega in Greek alphabets) that has numerical value of 401 (Aleph - 1, Tav-400). Jesus said that He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last and the beginning and the end. If we subtract 401 from 2701, we get 2300.

16. In science, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans.

17. One more coincidental factor I just observed is the number of articles I wrote in this blog. Surprisingly, I wrote 23 articles in 2017, may be a symbolization of 2017 - 2023. I wrote 5 articles in 2018. 2018 + 5 = 2023. I wrote 4 articles in 2019, 2019 + 4 = 2023. Just an interesting thought.

18. A personal revelation. I was given a triple sign about the number 390 in a span of 2 days in month of April 2019. I gave my watch for repair service on April 27th morning, then I bought a Bible and the price of the Bible is Rs. 390. Then, that evening I went to collect my watch and the repair cost is also Rs. 390. Ok, it can be a coincidence. But, the next day evening on April 28th, I went to near by computer shop to buy a samsung in ear headset and the rate mentioned in the box is Rs. 450. When I asked for the cost, the service boy told it is 500. Then, I asked the amount mentioned is just Rs. 450. For that, he told he will cross check and called other person and then to my surprise, he told the amount is Rs. 390. This is astonishing, right? 3 instances of Rs. 390 in just 2 days. 

Cannot be a coincidence and I believed God is communicating something to me through numbers and then I prayed to the Lord to reveal it. After some time, it suddenly struck me Ezekiel chapter 4. God commands Ezekiel to lie down on one side for 390 days for 390 years of Israel's sin and 40 days on another side to reflect 40 years of Judah's sin. Now, instantly another revelation came that Jerusalem was declared capital of Israel first on July 1980 and it has been 39 years until 2019. The Holy Spirit told to divide the numbers by 10 and took the base number. So, that means 39 years over and then same way dividing 40 by 10 will give 4. Adding 39 + 4 will give 43. So, the 43rd year from 1980 is going to be 2023. Pretty amazing, isn't it? It was mentioned that Israelites precisely spent 430 years in Egypt. Exodus 12:40,41. There are 39 books in OT followed by 4 gospels making it 43. There are only two verses that start with "In the beginning" in the entire Bible. The first one is Genesis 1:1, the first verse of the first book of the Bible. The second one is John 1:1 which is the first verse of the 43rd book of the Bible. So, if we add 43 to 1980, we land up in 2023.

19. The number 2 signifies Son of God. It also represents an extension of time. As per Hosea 6:2, after 2 days, He will revive us. On the third day, He will raise us. So, the 2 days is waiting time or extension. It represents resurrection of Jesus after 2 days on the third day. It also represents resurrection of Saints after 2000 years (For God, 1 day is like 1000 years. Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8). Same way, we can see many other examples. Herod killed male babies within 2 years of age in Matthew 2. The brothers of Joseph met him after 2 years of famine in Egypt. Gen 45:6. Esther waited for 2 days of fast and on the third day, she met the king. So, if we take the base 2 and first multiply with 1000, we get 2000 years. so, we are after 2000 years first. Then, multiplying 2 with next denomination of 100, gives 200. But, it is too much out of overall time. So, the next denomination of 10 multiplied by 2 gives 20 years and then simply 2 years. The total puts 2000 + 20 + 2 = 2022 years and then the successive year is 2023.

20. I was reading the gospel of John first few chapters. When I was reading chapter 2, the Holy Spirit sparked me to observe the numbers. First on the third day, Jesus went to Cana. The number 3 represents the beginning of 3000th year after Jesus crucifixion and the wine represents the life. New life will be brought forth. Same is confirmed again in verse night where Jesus said destroy this temple, I will raise it up in three days. Initially, it applies to Jesus bodily resurrection on the third day. But, a closer look of verse 21 says, He spoke about His body which is a temple. So, we are His church as per 1 Cor 3:16,17 and 2 Cor 6:16.  This actually means the church will be resurrected after 2000 years on the beginning of the 3000th year. This is confirmed by Hosea 6:2 prophecy. The dead in Christ will resurrect first with glorious bodies and those who are alive will be transformed during the last trumpet. 1 Cor 15:51-13 and 1 Thess 4:17.

But, a sudden revelation came when I read John 2 verse 20 that says Jews responded to Jesus saying it took 46 years to build this. A connection is made with US presidential election that concluded recently. Joe Biden is elected as 46th president of US. If we apply Hosea prophecy to 2021 when Biden, the 46th president will rule, then the three days will reduce to simply 3 years. First year will be 2021, second will be 2022 and the third year will be 2023. It's a disconnect thing but still makes sense that it is precisely 46 years to build second temple and that number is quoted in Bible and the president of US at this time is the 46th president.It is worth noting that on the 47th day of Noah's 600th year, the great floods started and that might be correlating to the great tribulation starting with 47th president whereas the translation of saints could occur during 46th president.

Also, note down that 46 is a double of 23. (23 x 2 = 46).

21. Many of us know the smallest chapter of the Bible is 117 having just 2 verses. But, does anyone know the significance of Psalm 123 ? Psalm 123 is another unique chapter in the entire Bible just like Psalm 117. How? It is the only chapter in the entire Bible having just 4 verses. If I am right, no other chapter in the Bible has 4 verses alone. Please check and comment if you find any other chapter.with just 4 verses. There are 4 chapters with just 3 verses (Psalm 131, 133, 134 and Esther 10) in the Bible to my knowledge. The 4 verses represent the Tetragrammaton name of God (YHWH).

I already wrote about 117 in this blog. But, a new revelation is 117 can be written as (100 + 17) and 100 could map to 2000 and adding 17 will bring to 2017. The year 2017 could be the beginning of end times with Rev 12 sign happened on 23/09/2017. I wrote a separate article about 2017 - the beginning of end times. If we split 123 in the same way, it will 100 + 23 and it will map to 2023.

22. Psalm 22 is the 500th chapter of the Bible. The number 500 can be considered as total of 10 jubilees (10x50). Psalm 22 is a special chapter as it prophesied the suffering of the Messiah in a great detail. But, the next chapter after completion of this, i.e. the 501st chapter is Psalm 23 and this marks the new beginning.

23. Aleph-Tav is the unpronounced central word of Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew. There are total 7 words and this is the middle word and there are 3 words to the left of it and 3 words to the right of it. Aleph-Tav is equivalent to Alpha-Omega of Revelation where Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of Greek where as Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of Hebrew. There are total 22 letters in Hebrew. If we add the ordinal positional values of Aleph (1) and Tav (22), we get 1 + 22 = 23. Jesus is the Alpha-Omega and we can say in Hebrew, that He is the Aleph-Tav (23).

24. The year number 2023 is not a prime number. If we factorize it, we get an interesting combination. 2023 = 17 x 17 x 7. We get the number of Victory = 17 squared up and multiplied by the number of perfection which is 7. How unique is this ?

25. The great floods happened in year 1656 from creation of Adam. This year number is significant. We saw there were 276 people saved along with Paul in Acts 27. 276 x 6 = 1656 and not only that, 1656 is also divided by 23, 1656 = 23 x 72 and 23 is the largest prime number among the factors. Can be split as 23x12x6 and further broke down into 23x2x2x3x2x3. So, it is 23 and then just 2s and 3s. 
1656 = 23 x 72 = 23 x 12 x 6 = 276 x 6
276 = 23 x 12

26. Jesus is 77th from God as per Luke 3 genealogy. The difference between the 100 (10 x 10) and 77 is 23. Number 10 stands for governance and 10 square (10 x 10) just a double stress.

Now, there are 26 distinct points in this post about the number 23 and year 2023. Awesome, isn't it?

There are overwhelming scriptural and mathematical evidences that point to 23 and 2023 as we saw and we could count on the year 2023 for rapture to happen. But, even if rapture doesn't happen in 2023, still it is going to hugely significant. If not rapture, then may be the Tribulation or World War 3 could begin. But, let's wait and watch. I believe the great pandemic started as a warning 3 years before 2023 to give the watchers an important sign. But, I believe there will be many tribulations of Luke 21 that will be occurring in the next 2 years, 2021 and 2022.

So, my guidance to the readers is to lift their heads up now as in the Luke's 21:28,36. All glory, honor and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.