Thursday, December 31, 2020

Praise the LORD for carrying us through 2020

 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. Laments 3:22

Greetings to the readers in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !!!. I am writing this on Dec 31, 2020. Less than 24 hours to enter the New year 2021, I believe it is the time to look back and reflect on the year 2020.

Let's thank God Almighty, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as He brought us to the last day of this year. As we look back this year, we could think of the losses, pains and troubles we came through. Some of us might have lost our dear ones or had suffered health issues, business or job loss and might have experienced other difficulties. But, God is faithful and brought us thus far. He says, "Like a man carries His child, I have carried you." Deut 1:31. The one who brought us safe thus far will still lead us until we reach Him in glory. Psalm 48:14

Let's look forward and enter the year 2021 with unwavering faith. The birth pangs the world is going through will increase as per the scriptures. But, this is the time, we should look up as our Lord instructed in Luke 21:28, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Whatever the troubles of sufferings may be, greater is His promise, "Behold, I with you all the days until the end of this age." Matthew 28:20. Let's all put our burdens on His unfailing Word and go to Him.

He calls us saying, "Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30. Let's turn to Him and then our souls will get much needed rest. He said to His disciples that, "Peace I leave with you. I am giving my Peace to you and not like how the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid." John 14:26

Let our hearts and eyes fixed rock solid on Jesus Christ (Word of God) this new year. He says, "Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10.

In this New Year 2021, I speak the High Priest blessing on you,

The LORD bless you and protect you

The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

The LORD lift up His countenance on you and give you peace.  Numbers 6:24-26.

All glory, honor and praise to the Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

38 years

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Do you know the Israelites who came out of Egypt wandered for extra 38 years than the originally planned 2 years? That makes a total 40 years in wilderness. During the second year, they struggled against God saying that He had brought them to die in war against Canaanites provoking God to give them a curse that for each day the 12 spies spied the land, they will spend one year making it a total of 40 years. But, it is actually 38 years from the time the spies were sent.

Following verse confirms this, And the space in which we came from Kadesh–barnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as the Lord sware unto them. Deuteronomy 2:14

You might ask what's there in it. In New Testament, who is the person with longest illness but was healed by Jesus? The woman having a blood issue suffered for 12 years. The woman with her back bowed was affected for 18 years. But, it was the man at Bethesda pool who suffered for a maximum time of 38 years. John 5:5

So, what is the connection? The man represents the unbelieving Israel and it took 38 years for them to wander in wilderness before crossing Jordan. Same way, the man healed after 38 years. But, what is more interesting is the present connection of 38 with respect to Jerusalem. In July 1980, the Jerusalem law was passed by Israel declaring that Jerusalem is the Sovereign capital of Israel. The, then president Ronald Reagan supported Israel but never accepted Jerusalem as Sovereign capital of Israel. Then, Bill Clinton said that he will recognise Jerusalem as capital. All the presidents from Clinton to Obama waived off the decision which comes to their review once in 6 months.

But, the time came. God brought Donald Trump to the power in 2017 in a super natural way. Trump declared Jerusalem as the Sovereign capital of Israel in December 2017 and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in 14, May 2018, which is also the 70th anniversary of the independence of Israel. This is exactly the 38th year from 1980.

We could see God's hands turning history to accomplish His prophecies. Now, we are at the 40th year from 1980. The number 40 represents divine appointment. As we map 38 years, our Lord is going to turn His attention to Israel to find the final remnant portion as per Romans 11:5,25 and Zeccharia 13:9. This will match the healing of man at Bethesda after 38 years of illness. God will bring His revival for Israel and complete all His prophecies in the forthcoming years as per Acts 3:18-19.

So, let's watch and pray as we don't know the hour the groom will come for His bride. We are also in the 73rd year of Israel independence and 73 is a significant number.

There is another interesting fact with the number 38. We all know the smallest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117 that has just 2 verses. But, do you know there is only one book in the Bible that has 2 chapters. It is the book of Haggai which is the 37th book. But, what is more interesting is this book has exactly 38 verses in total !!! Amazing, isn't it? Number 2 represents Son of God and grace and truth.

All glory, honor and praise to the Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

2023/2024 Year of great significance and possible year of rapture?

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13  

Greetings to the readers in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am writing the 51st article in christianlifeonline after a long time. The day of writing this is 14-November. I am going through plenty of troubles and please keep me and my family in your prayers that God delivers me out of all troubles and give me rest. 

In this chapter, we are going to see an important information about why 2023/2024 could be the year of our blessed hope. The title verse Titus 2:13 says the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ for us is that glorious hope and we are called to look for that. God gave me some revelations couple of years back regarding what could be the possible year of this blessed hope can be. You may well ask, our Lord said that no one knows the day or the hour. The Lord told only we cannot know the day, but still we should be able to know the year if we argue literally. But, I am not going to assert it will definitely happen in the year 2023 but I am just wondering based on the proofs. Again, it is my opinion but what I am sure is the year 2023 is going to be very significant based on the following revelations. Let's directly get into the evidences. 

To prove any matter in the Bible, we need minimum 2 or 3 testimonies as per 2 Cor 13:1, John 8:17 and Deuteronomy 19:15. Let's see how 2023 can be arrived based on the witnesses from the scriptures. 

1. The first and primary evidence is derived from the age of Abraham. If you calculate the ages from genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11, we can derive that Abraham was born on year 1948 from the creation of Adam. It can be confirmed from the following link, So, the father of the nation of Israel was born on the year 1948. What is amazing was, the nation of Israel was reborn nearly after 2000 years in 1948 AD after their dispersal in 70 AD. Is it a coincidence? Definitely not, God has appointed in this way so that He can reveal more secrets for a later generation. We are that generation. You may ask what is the secret. The huge hidden clue is Abraham left to the land of Canaan at his age of 75 Gen 12:4 which is 2023rd year after creation of Adam. So, shall we move to our eternal Canaan in year 2023 AD? How amazing and how significant this evidence is? More to follow. Check this video about Abraham's timeline -

2. The second evidence is from Daniel. The chapter 12 of the book of Daniel says this, And from the time  that the daily  sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. Daniel 12:11,12. The abomination of desolation could mean multiple things. One of the things could be the Al Aqsa (Dome of Rock) mosque standing on the Holy Temple mount site. This structure's basement was laid on 688 AD. One day can be considered as one year as per Ezekiel prophecy in Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34. So, if we add 1335 years to 688 we come to 2023 AD. The popular 1260 days addition from 688 leads to 1948. Check this video out for more details,

3. Hebrew year of 2017/18 is 5777. Lamech was aged 777 and 5 years after his death the great floods started. So, there are 5 years. In 2018, Billy Graham passed away and then in May 14, 2018, Donald Trump moved the embassy of US to Jerusalem signifying the 70 years of independence in 2018. This is on Hebrew year 5778. But, 5 year addition will reach 2023. Number 5 stands for grace.

4. When Joshua led the Israelites to Canaan, there are 5 years of war before rest. How can we be sure that there are only 5 years of war as it is not directly given in the scriptures. We have a clue in Caleb's age. By calculating it we can derive the number of years of war before rest is attained. Joshua 14 contains this important clue. The first 3 verses of Joshua ascertains that the sharing of the land happened which says that the war was over. The last verse of Joshua 14 says that the land had rest from war. Now, Caleb says that he was 40 years old when Moses sent him to spy on land in verse 7. In verse 10, Caleb says that he is 85 years old. Wow, that gives clear information. We all knew that the Lord pronounced judgement on the rebelling Israelites that they will not enter the promised land for 40 years which means Caleb crossed the Jordan river at his 80 years of age and then there were 5 years of spiritual war from 2018. So, now we are in the time of war, so don't run out of patience.

5. The last major war between Israel and a group of Arab nations was the Yom Kippur war and that happened on 1973. We will reach the jubilee year from this war in 2023.

6. Most popular chapter in the entire Bible could be easily Psalm 23.

7. Three 3 digit triangular  numbers are mentioned in new testament. They are 153 (John 21:11), 276 (Acts 27:37) and 666 (Revelation 13:18). Here, the first star number is T(17) = 153 and second one is T(23) = 276 and T(36) = 666. So, the initial tribulation started at 2017 and rapture might happen in 2023 and final tribulation could start at 2036. But, this is just a speculation. Search for triangular numbers in the google. That will be interesting.

8. The festivals of Israel that point to Jesus birth, crucifixion, resurrection and Holy Spirit's downpour on pentecost and same chapter also gives information about fall feasts about feast of trumpets, day of atonement and tabernacles. These festivals may correspond to rapture, armageddon war and 1000 year reign start of Christ. All of these festivals are mentioned in Leviticus chapter number 23.

9. There are 2300 days given in Daniel 8:14 and 23000 Israelites were dead in one day as given in 1 Cor 10:8. They have base number 23.

10. Psalm 90 was written by Moses hides very important information. In that Psalm, the God's man Moses prays to God to teach them the wisdom to count the number of days. In the same Psalm, there are two important numbers. One is verse 4 that says 1000 years is a day in the sight of the Lord and equal to a watch (People usually miss the 'watch' stuff here but it is very important as Jesus said he would return in 2nd or 3rd watch Luke 12:38,39. This is another point, but let's not go into that now.). The second important verse in Psalm 90 about numbers is verse 10 where Moses says the days of our years are 70 and by reason of strength 80 years. But, the age during the period of Moses is well more than 100. Moses himself lived for 120 years and Joshua for 110 years. But, why Moses is saying 70 or 80? The 'our' in that verse doesn't mean the individual but it means the nation of Israel itself and now we know Israel is 70 years and it is already moving to 80 by reason of strength. But, the midpoint would be 75 which would be 2023.

11. 23 is the last single digit prime number i.e. 9th prime number and addendum of the digits 2+0+2+3 gives 7, the number of perfection.

12. Originally, the Old testament is written in Hebrew and New testament is written in Greek. There are total of 22 Hebrew letters that means completion and 23 is the next number. The greek language consists of 24 letters and the midpoint of 22 and 24 is 23.

13. The 22nd book of the Bible is Song of Songs that depicts the readiness of the bride. But, the 23rd book Isaiah is the first prophetic book that has 66 chapters corresponding to the 66 books of the Bible. So, 23 book represents the overall fulfillment of the entire scriptures.

14. We all know that the smallest chapter in the entire Bible is Psalm 117 and contains just 2 verses. But, we may not know that the only book that contains 2 chapters is the book of Haggai which is the 37th book of the Bible. Number 37 signifies Wisdom in Hebrew. This book contains 38 verses out of which the first chapter contains 15 verses and the second chapter contains 23 verses. This could mean 2015 to 2023 could be the initial tribulation times.

15. The first verse of the Bible Genesis 1:1 has a Hebrew gematria value of 2701. You may google search this one. But, the middle word of this verse is Aleph-Tav (first and last letter of Hebrew alphabets and this corresponds to Alpha Omega in Greek alphabets) that has numerical value of 401 (Aleph - 1, Tav-400). Jesus said that He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last and the beginning and the end. If we subtract 401 from 2701, we get 2300.

16. In science, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans.

17. One more coincidental factor I just observed is the number of articles I wrote in this blog. Surprisingly, I wrote 23 articles in 2017, may be a symbolization of 2017 - 2023. I wrote 5 articles in 2018. 2018 + 5 = 2023. I wrote 4 articles in 2019, 2019 + 4 = 2023. Just an interesting thought.

18. A personal revelation. I was given a triple sign about the number 390 in a span of 2 days in month of April 2019. I gave my watch for repair service on April 27th morning, then I bought a Bible and the price of the Bible is Rs. 390. Then, that evening I went to collect my watch and the repair cost is also Rs. 390. Ok, it can be a coincidence. But, the next day evening on April 28th, I went to near by computer shop to buy a samsung in ear headset and the rate mentioned in the box is Rs. 450. When I asked for the cost, the service boy told it is 500. Then, I asked the amount mentioned is just Rs. 450. For that, he told he will cross check and called other person and then to my surprise, he told the amount is Rs. 390. This is astonishing, right? 3 instances of Rs. 390 in just 2 days. 

Cannot be a coincidence and I believed God is communicating something to me through numbers and then I prayed to the Lord to reveal it. After some time, it suddenly struck me Ezekiel chapter 4. God commands Ezekiel to lie down on one side for 390 days for 390 years of Israel's sin and 40 days on another side to reflect 40 years of Judah's sin. Now, instantly another revelation came that Jerusalem was declared capital of Israel first on July 1980 and it has been 39 years until 2019. The Holy Spirit told to divide the numbers by 10 and took the base number. So, that means 39 years over and then same way dividing 40 by 10 will give 4. Adding 39 + 4 will give 43. So, the 43rd year from 1980 is going to be 2023. Pretty amazing, isn't it? It was mentioned that Israelites precisely spent 430 years in Egypt. Exodus 12:40,41. There are 39 books in OT followed by 4 gospels making it 43. There are only two verses that start with "In the beginning" in the entire Bible. The first one is Genesis 1:1, the first verse of the first book of the Bible. The second one is John 1:1 which is the first verse of the 43rd book of the Bible. So, if we add 43 to 1980, we land up in 2023.

19. The number 2 signifies Son of God. It also represents an extension of time. As per Hosea 6:2, after 2 days, He will revive us. On the third day, He will raise us. So, the 2 days is waiting time or extension. It represents resurrection of Jesus after 2 days on the third day. It also represents resurrection of Saints after 2000 years (For God, 1 day is like 1000 years. Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8). Same way, we can see many other examples. Herod killed male babies within 2 years of age in Matthew 2. The brothers of Joseph met him after 2 years of famine in Egypt. Gen 45:6. Esther waited for 2 days of fast and on the third day, she met the king. So, if we take the base 2 and first multiply with 1000, we get 2000 years. so, we are after 2000 years first. Then, multiplying 2 with next denomination of 100, gives 200. But, it is too much out of overall time. So, the next denomination of 10 multiplied by 2 gives 20 years and then simply 2 years. The total puts 2000 + 20 + 2 = 2022 years and then the successive year is 2023.

20. I was reading the gospel of John first few chapters. When I was reading chapter 2, the Holy Spirit sparked me to observe the numbers. First on the third day, Jesus went to Cana. The number 3 represents the beginning of 3000th year after Jesus crucifixion and the wine represents the life. New life will be brought forth. Same is confirmed again in verse night where Jesus said destroy this temple, I will raise it up in three days. Initially, it applies to Jesus bodily resurrection on the third day. But, a closer look of verse 21 says, He spoke about His body which is a temple. So, we are His church as per 1 Cor 3:16,17 and 2 Cor 6:16.  This actually means the church will be resurrected after 2000 years on the beginning of the 3000th year. This is confirmed by Hosea 6:2 prophecy. The dead in Christ will resurrect first with glorious bodies and those who are alive will be transformed during the last trumpet. 1 Cor 15:51-13 and 1 Thess 4:17.

But, a sudden revelation came when I read John 2 verse 20 that says Jews responded to Jesus saying it took 46 years to build this. A connection is made with US presidential election that concluded recently. Joe Biden is elected as 46th president of US. If we apply Hosea prophecy to 2021 when Biden, the 46th president will rule, then the three days will reduce to simply 3 years. First year will be 2021, second will be 2022 and the third year will be 2023. It's a disconnect thing but still makes sense that it is precisely 46 years to build second temple and that number is quoted in Bible and the president of US at this time is the 46th president.It is worth noting that on the 47th day of Noah's 600th year, the great floods started and that might be correlating to the great tribulation starting with 47th president whereas the translation of saints could occur during 46th president.

Also, note down that 46 is a double of 23. (23 x 2 = 46).

21. Many of us know the smallest chapter of the Bible is 117 having just 2 verses. But, does anyone know the significance of Psalm 123 ? Psalm 123 is another unique chapter in the entire Bible just like Psalm 117. How? It is the only chapter in the entire Bible having just 4 verses. If I am right, no other chapter in the Bible has 4 verses alone. Please check and comment if you find any other chapter.with just 4 verses. There are 4 chapters with just 3 verses (Psalm 131, 133, 134 and Esther 10) in the Bible to my knowledge. The 4 verses represent the Tetragrammaton name of God (YHWH).

I already wrote about 117 in this blog. But, a new revelation is 117 can be written as (100 + 17) and 100 could map to 2000 and adding 17 will bring to 2017. The year 2017 could be the beginning of end times with Rev 12 sign happened on 23/09/2017. I wrote a separate article about 2017 - the beginning of end times. If we split 123 in the same way, it will 100 + 23 and it will map to 2023.

22. Psalm 22 is the 500th chapter of the Bible. The number 500 can be considered as total of 10 jubilees (10x50). Psalm 22 is a special chapter as it prophesied the suffering of the Messiah in a great detail. But, the next chapter after completion of this, i.e. the 501st chapter is Psalm 23 and this marks the new beginning.

23. Aleph-Tav is the unpronounced central word of Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew. There are total 7 words and this is the middle word and there are 3 words to the left of it and 3 words to the right of it. Aleph-Tav is equivalent to Alpha-Omega of Revelation where Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of Greek where as Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of Hebrew. There are total 22 letters in Hebrew. If we add the ordinal positional values of Aleph (1) and Tav (22), we get 1 + 22 = 23. Jesus is the Alpha-Omega and we can say in Hebrew, that He is the Aleph-Tav (23).

24. The year number 2023 is not a prime number. If we factorize it, we get an interesting combination. 2023 = 17 x 17 x 7. We get the number of Victory = 17 squared up and multiplied by the number of perfection which is 7. How unique is this ?

25. The great floods happened in year 1656 from creation of Adam. This year number is significant. We saw there were 276 people saved along with Paul in Acts 27. 276 x 6 = 1656 and not only that, 1656 is also divided by 23, 1656 = 23 x 72 and 23 is the largest prime number among the factors. Can be split as 23x12x6 and further broke down into 23x2x2x3x2x3. So, it is 23 and then just 2s and 3s. 
1656 = 23 x 72 = 23 x 12 x 6 = 276 x 6
276 = 23 x 12

26. Jesus is 77th from God as per Luke 3 genealogy. The difference between the 100 (10 x 10) and 77 is 23. Number 10 stands for governance and 10 square (10 x 10) just a double stress.

Now, there are 26 distinct points in this post about the number 23 and year 2023. Awesome, isn't it?

There are overwhelming scriptural and mathematical evidences that point to 23 and 2023 as we saw and we could count on the year 2023 for rapture to happen. But, even if rapture doesn't happen in 2023, still it is going to hugely significant. If not rapture, then may be the Tribulation or World War 3 could begin. But, let's wait and watch. I believe the great pandemic started as a warning 3 years before 2023 to give the watchers an important sign. But, I believe there will be many tribulations of Luke 21 that will be occurring in the next 2 years, 2021 and 2022.

So, my guidance to the readers is to lift their heads up now as in the Luke's 21:28,36. All glory, honor and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Jubilee - 50 years

And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you. Leviticus 25:10

I wish all the readers grace and peace from our God the Father, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is my 50th article in the blog. I thank God in this special moment for His grace, that He enabled me to write this much as Paul says, "Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand." Galatians 6:11. I have dealt with various topics, end time articles, hidden meanings in Bible, about Biblical numbers and their meanings, about sin and temptation and a long series of New Creation which is the expectation of God for every believer. God graciously enabled me to complete that series. I praise the Lord for that.

As this is my 50th article, I would like to write about number 50. Bible holds a special meaning for 50. The word Jubilee derives out from Bible where God ask the Israelites to count every 7 times 7 years leading to 49th year and then 50th year is called Jubilee. Still we are naming the 50 year anniversaries as Golden Jubilee. Secondly, I am writing this on 27th of April which is the 118th day of this year and my last article was about 117. The specialty of 118 is that Psalm 118 which speak about an important prophecy of cornerstone. Not only that, it lies between the smallest and largest chapters of the Bible with 117 is the smallest having 2 verses and 119 becoming the largest with 176 verses.

The Jews were asked to observe the jubilee year on the 50th year and make it an year of deliverance where every slave is set free. The land is set free and returned to its original owner. The original owner of the earth is God Almighty as per Psalms 24:1, The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. He was the one who designed, created and filled it with life. So, after certain time, on a Jubilee, the whole earth will be of God and His children again. What a revelation, this is the expectation through out the Bible. The other way to view the jubilee is that, Christ is our Jubilee meaning He is the deliverer of us. He delivers us from temptation and evil. He redeems us from sickness and troubles. He Himself became our Judge and our defender. He Himself became a curse for us and hung on a tree in order to redeem us from the curse of the law and to bring us the blessings of Abraham. To Him be glory for ever.

Let us see some of the interesting facts about the numbers of jubilee.

1. God counts the jubilees from creation. Genesis 6:3 says "And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also  is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.". Here God gives time of 120 years until the time floods come. Here, the hidden meaning is the time for the entire mankind in earth is 120 jubilees, which is 120 x 50 = 6000 years. At the end of 6000 years from Adam, Jesus Christ, the later Adam will start the millennium. This is the fore plan and the foreknowledge of God.

2. The above point is confirmed by the time when the great floods started. It started on the 600th year of Noah. Genesis 7:6,11. The base number 6 is about mankind and at the year of 600 of age of Noah, the floods started that means at the end of 6000 years the human government will be demolished.

3. Jonah warned people of Nineveh that there are 40 days to repent, otherwise Nineveh will be overthrown Jonah 3:4. People of Nineveh repented so the city was not toppled. Jesus gave the pharisees the sign of Jonah to Nineveh. They didn't understand that. Making a day converts to an year prophecy of Ezekiel 4:6, after 40 years of the crucifixion of Jesus, Jerusalem was overthrown. The siege of Jerusalem started in 67 AD and it went on to 7 years until 73 AD for the complete destruction of fall of Masada. Same way, now 40 days will map to 40 jubilees and that is 2000 years until the time of the return of Christ after His death and resurrection which is going to be in our times.

4. The last jubilee that Jews observed was in 2017-18. From that year on wards, there are more tribulations all over the world and this is confirming that the time of the return of Christ is at hand. We can feel that. The next jubilee cycle is going to be in 2067-68 in Jewish calendar. But, there are certain years missing in that calendar. Only God knows the exact number of missing years and in my opinion the resurrection of the saints and transfiguration will happen within next two decades, that is within 2040. This is the longest time range. But, there are many possibilities that this could occur within 2030 as we see the worldwide calamities.

Dear brethren, the day is fast approaching and we have to exhort one another and so much more as we the day draws near. Hebrews 10:25. I will meet you back with more information in my next article. I thank and praise God as He enabled me to write 50 blog posts. The articles that I wrote are very useful for me. If you find time, go through the new creation series. I bless you with Shalom Peace.

All glory, honor and praise, I give to Father through our Lord and Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, love of the God and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us, now and forever. Amen.

Monday, March 9, 2020


O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD  endures for ever. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 117:1,2

Greetings to all the readers in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am very glad to update that I am writing my 49th article which is a special one because 49 itself is a very special number, 49 = 7x7. So, this article is also going to deal with a Biblical numerics and that's why the topic name is 117. This should be a certainly chapter.

I have written a lot about the number 17 in the past. But, here I am going to write about a special number 117. As the title verse have Psalm 117, you can thing about Psalm 117 which is the smallest chapter of the Bible that contains just 2 verses. But, today we will see few other special about 117. My grandfather, D. Paulraj was a visionary prophet who had many visions throughout his life and he interprets the dreams and they exactly fulfill as his interpretations. He died 12 years before on 1 March, 2008 at the age of 85. Before his death, when he lost his strength and bed ridden, he insisted me frequently to read the smallest chapter of the Bible which is 117. He used to say, "Oh, my grandson, I am not able to read as my eyes are not able to see. So, I just wanted to hear the smallest chapter." Then I used to read him Psalm 117.

It was 12 years since he passed away. But, what a man of God he was !. Just few months back, God revealed me why He insisted on Psalm 117 and He showed me the following amazing calculation. As we know, there are total 66 books in the Bible. When we split into OT and NT, there are 39 books in the old testament and 27 books in the New Testament. If we use 3, the number of trinity, to divide these we get the following calculation.

39/3 = 13  (Number that marks rebellion and judgement for rebellion)
27/3 =  9  (Number of love and the fruits and gifts of Holy Spirit)

When we multiply the results, we get 13 x 9 = 117. Psalm 117 is not only the smallest chapter but it is also the middle chapter of the Bible with 594 chapters before it and 594 chapters after it. The total number of chapters in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is 1189. If we divide the total number of books by 3, we get 66/3 = 22. There are 22 alphabets in the Hebrew language. The book of Revelation has 22 chapters. Psalm 119 contains 22 divisions with each one associated with one Hebrew letter (Aleph to Tav) and each division contains 8 verses. The 22nd letter of Hebrew is Tav and this letter in Hebrew pictogram represents the cross. The 22nd book of the Bible is Song of Songs. The Song of Songs actually represents the Holy of Holies. It expresses the divine love between a male and female in their physical consummation to represent Jesus, the groom taking His Holy Bride with Him. It expresses the beauty of the Holy bride representing the true church. The real wonder is the Song of Songs too has 8 chapters (that represents Salvation) and the total number of verses in these 8 chapters is 117.

Not only that, but the total number of chapters in the first three books of the Bible is 50 (Genesis) + 40 (Exodus) + 27 (Leviticus) is 117. Amazing organization of the books and chapters, isn't it? The Holy Bible though written by various anointed people and arranged by different persons, we have the confirmation that it is written by Holy Spirit Himself. God has an amazing way of representing His handiwork.

Let's look into Psalm 117. There are just 2 verses. First verse says Praise the Lord. Second verse speaks about the grace and truth. The two verses simply spoke about Jesus Christ. John 1:17 (again see 1:17) says that the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. In the entire Bible, only one person has two names together and that is our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the first name which means He will Save His people from their sins and the second name Christ is a title which means Messiah or the Anointed One. There are 2 verses just to represent that our Lord has two names Jesus Christ which in turn represents His Grace and His Truth. That's what the second verse says. His mercy and truth are forever. Praise the Lord.

I believe this is one of the lot many hidden gems in the scriptures to be discovered and whenever Lord reveals I will update in this blog. May God bless you all. I praise my Lord with rejoicing and heart full of thanks that He enabled me to write 49 articles in the blog which is one of the greatest achievement. God bless you with His richest blessings. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Christ's actual birth date and the name Immanuel

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

Greetings to the readers in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am prompted to write a small revelation on the potential month of Jesus' Birth. It involves an interesting calculation. We all know that Christmas is celebrated all over the world on December 25. But, did Christ exactly born on that day? or it could be some other day. There are some clues in the Bible to figure out when Christ could have born. We see God does things in patterns and He gives clues in the old testament.

All the New Testament events of Jesus, God would have pre-ordained them in the festivals of Israel. So, we need to study the feasts of Israel to understand when Jesus could have actually born. Let's first see how long Jesus ministered in the earth before He had gone to the cross. We all assume that Jesus ministered for 3.5 years and we call out that at the age of 33.5, He was crucified. This calculation directly comes from the age He took baptism as recorded in Luke 3:23, And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age. The period of His ministry is calculated from the various points of the feasts He observed. From prophecies, we could see 3.5 years or 42 months or 1260 days is God's divine appointment time. So, if Jesus ministered for 3.5 years and crucified on Nissan 14, which is the first month of Hebrew calendar, then going 6 months back will actually give us Tishrei 15 which was the 7 month and that is exactly on His 33rd birthday.

The Nissan date falls during March and April and coincides with the time of Good Friday/Easter that is celebrated in Christendom and Passover celebrations of Jews. So, it must be the same time of the month and Jesus would have been crucified during Spring beginning season. So, if Jesus had taken baptism around His 30 years mark, then He would have taken it around Tishrei 15 since 3.5 years from that point would lead to pass-over around Nissan 14. If the 30 year mark falls around 15th Tishrei, then Jesus would have born during the month of Tishrei. But, How do we confirm this? If at all we find a reference to old testament feast of Israels falling on this month and day, then we can try to relate.

Is there a feast of Israel falling on this month? In fact, all the three fall feasts are occur in the seventh month of Tishrei. The first feast which is the popular Feast of Trumpets (also called as Yom Teruah) should be celebrated on Tishrei 1. Leviticus 23:24 The second one is the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) that should be celebrated on Tishrei 10 Lev 23:27 and then the third festival is Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) which should be celebrated from Tishrei 15 - 21. Lev 23:34. We found a match. But, how can be assured that this could be the date when Jesus would have possibly born?

So, we would like to understand the feast of Tabernacles. God commanded the Israelites to celebrate the feast of tabernacles to remember that they stayed in Tabernacles during wilderness. Refer to my chapter Tabernacles for the complete information. God Himself wanted to come and stay with His people so He wanted to Moses to build a Tabernacle of Worship for Him too in the middle of the camp. It also refers that God will finally come down and stay with His people in Revelation 22 in the new Heaven and new Earth. But, how we could relate it to the birth of Jesus?

Here is where the name Immanuel takes significance. Though Jesus was signified with the name Immanuel from OT, He was not given that name. But, the name Immanuel means God with us. This could exactly relate to the birth of Jesus by signifying God Himself took a human body as a tabernacle and lived among us. Going through all of what an average man goes through in His life. He needed a body to sacrifice and fulfill all the old testament prophecies and finally He can dwell within us as Holy Spirit. In order to do that, He has to come and dwell with us in a human body which could exactly match the Feast of Tabernacles that fall on Tishrei 15. We don't need any further confirmation as if we move 3.5 years earlier we can exactly matche the feast of Tabernacles. This is a huge clue and hence Jesus would have been born during late September or early October and not during December 25 as we commonly celebrate.

But, He is dwelling within us now as Holy Spirit and made ourselves as a tabernacle. Here are few verses about Tabernacles from New Testament. Paul writes to the church of Corinth in his second epistle, "For we know that if our earthly house of  this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. For we that are in  this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Therefore  we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:" 2 Corinthians 5:1-6. Paul writes living in this body as being in tabernacle. Peter too wrote that he is living in a tabernacle, Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting  you in remembrance; 2 Peter 1:13. So, God Himself took a tabernacle in a body and born to Mary and that's why His name is Immanuel. So, it is more clear that this points to the fact that the birth of Jesus is at Tishrei 15 which should be around late September or early October. This is not to change the dates when Christmas is celebrated but to learn how connected the Bible is and how the clues are given for the reader who focus and analyze.

May He give more revelations to each of the readers and bring light to the world that we live in. May the Holy Spirit brings fruit in each of our lives and blesses us with all we need and gives His divine peace. May God's grace and peace abounds to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Amen.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Rejoice, Rejoice !!!

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4

I wish all the readers of this article a blessed and joyful New Year 2020 in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After a long break and after completing the long running New Creation series, I am happy to inform the readers that I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the research articles again. This is the 47th article of this blog. The number 47 is very significant in the Biblical Context. We will see the importance at the end of the article.

The message that God gave for this article is to Rejoice in Him all the times. As it is a new year, every one look forward for this year with great hope and fresh beginnings. God too says to His people rejoice in Him always no matter what could be the situation because He is in sovereign control over everything. Not even a single hair of yours will fall without His will.

Problems and worries are part of this human life and each person goes through one or the other problem during his life time. It could be a family burden, work pressure, financial issues or something else. But, the Holy Spirit says to rejoice in the Lord always. You may think, how is is possible to rejoice when we have problems. But, just realizing the Almighty God who is in charge of each second of our life is always there to take care of us amidst of all problems, will make us rejoice. It is written that the very number of the hairs in our head are counted and known by God. That is His wisdom, power, and sovereign authority. He takes good care of us.

But, even after telling to rejoice, the Holy Spirit always knows worries will be there. So, He says in the subsequent verse as follows, Do not worry for anything; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6. If you submit your problems to God with truth and faith, then the next verse will fulfill in your life. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7. The peace of God surpasses all human understanding, this is the peace that Jesus was telling to His disciples. This peace cannot be given by the world but only by Jesus.

Until this point of time, the people of God were mourning and Jesus said you will mourn but world will be happy. But, from this point onwards, God says, Your sorrow will turn to joy. John 16:20.

Let's see the impact of number 47 in few points and wrap this article. Important prophetical significance is associated with this.
1. Genesis 7:11 says "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.". This means first month has 30 days and the 17 days into the second month, the total gives, it is the 47th day of the year when the great floods started. We have already seen the importance of 17.

2. The previous verse 10 says, "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth" which means Noah and His family entered the ark on the 40th day of the year and 7 days pass was observed by the Lord.

3. 47 is the 15th prime number. 15 can be written as 5+5+5 or and for every 5 if we use roman number V, it looks like VVV and it can also be written as Victory-Victory-Victory. King Hezekiah got a 15 year extension.

4. As of now, we have the 45th US president in Donald Trump. But, I believe everything would come to a close with the 47th US president which probably would happen in next two terms. But, when exactly that? We have to wait and see. I may be wrong here.

5. During the time of this writing, US and Iran are engaged in a warlike situation and that could escalate. But, I hope it will settle as small wars and will not escalate to World War 3 since Matthew 24 will happen again and the gospel will be preached unto all the nations before the end comes. Psalm 46:9. The LORD said Settle guys, War is over. Time is not yet up for WW3. The World will see the power of the Holy God for one final time as per Psalm 46:10.

6. Anyhow, we are getting to a dramatic closure with maximum time frame of next two decades before the glorious return of Christ and within this decade one can expect the rapture to happen and if not this decade, it will happen within 2035.

7. As per things revealed to me, the potential rapture timeline is 2020 to 2034 with higher chance of rapture happening within 2020 to 2028. But, I cannot reveal more details since they are kept us secrets and no man knows the exact day or year.

8. Psalm 47 is the first psalm that denotes the divine reign of God. Please read that Psalm where it hails the Lord God and the last verse says people are saved as the people of Abraham who is the Father of faith. People are saved not by works by through faith in the finished works of Jesus Christ.

9. 4+7 = 11 which is the number of Joseph. Joseph is one of the best foreshadows of Christ. The name Jesus Christ has 11 letters.

10. AK-47 is the rifle name that was originally invented in Russia and named as Automatic gun of Kalashnikov and 47 came because of it was completed in the year 1947.

11. Same way, in 1947, 29th November the decision to partition Israel was in place. So, 47 is way too significant. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reigns not only from heavens but in earth as well. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY !!!.

But, what a glorious time we are living in. Everything comes to a dramatic close as we near the 2000 year of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. We may expect our savior soon. There are lot of other prophecies fulfilled which I cannot reveal in open forum like this. But, God has started to fulfill the OT prophecies in full swing from the year 2020. All His true children across the earth will rejoice but the wicked will have no peace.

May God be with you all, bless you, protect you and give you His divine peace. All glory, honor and praise to God, the Father, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.