Monday, April 10, 2017

The Centerpiece

This is an article which is an extension to my one of the previous posts, Jesus and Praise at the center. Try to review that post before going through this and you will realize how God made Jesus Christ center of His Word. All of the scriptures point to Him, the blessed redeemer. That was posted on December 2016. As mentioned in my last post, these articles would be smaller and focused on Jesus sufferings and His death on cross and resurrection.

Now, this is not my original revelation but I heard this mentioned in one of the sermons recently. In an earlier post, I mentioned the most popular verse in the entire Bible is John 3:16, which quotes the love of God by sending His only begotten son so that whoever believeth in Him won't perish and have eternal life. But, along with that, I stated, in my opinion, the most important chapter in the entire Bible is Romans 8 and the most important book in the Bible is Isaiah. The name Isaiah means God is my Salvation. The book consists of 66 chapters corresponding to the number of books in the Bible.

Further to that, the 66 chapters can be again divided into first 39 chapters that correspond to history in direct correspondence with Old testament and the next 27 chapters from 40-66, directly point to His promises about salvation, redemption, eternal life and judgement. These 27 chapters correspond to new testament. Now, if we apply the concept of centers to these 27 chapters, what an astonishment?, 13 chapters in front from 40 to 52 and 13 chapters at the rear 54 - 66, the central chapter is 53, which is the 14th (7+7) one. It is a well known fact that Isaiah 53 is the chapter which is precisely focused on the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ as a lamb who took away the sin of the world. It is a divine arrangement. Praise God, it cannot be a mere coincidence.

Not only that, the 27 chapters from 40-66 can be classified into 3 triplets of 9 each. To elaborate, the divisions are Isaiah 40 - 48, 49 - 57 and 58 - 66. Again this is a divine arrangement? How we can assure that? The last verse of chapter 48 and the last verse of chapter 57 are one and same. They say, "There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked." Isaiah 48:22, 57:21. The last verse of 66 which is also the last verse of Isaiah also have a similar phase but mentions the condemnation to the wicked. "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." Isaiah 66:24. Same way, if we look at the middle chapters of 49 to 57, again 53 is the center of centers. Let's look into the verses. Bible scholars say the actual start of Isaiah 53 could be from Isaiah 52:13 as it starts with "Behold, my servant shall deal prudently." and it sets the context for 53. So, from Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12, there are 15 verses that can be divided into 5 sets of 3 each and again the center of these triplets are the verses 4,5 and 6 of chapter 53 that explains the gospel to the core. "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he  was wounded for our transgressions,  he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace  was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:4-6. Shall we just close our eyes for a moment and worship the divine God, thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His love and grace. We praise you Jesus Christ, we praise you Father. Hallelujah. We thank you Holy Spirit for giving us the Bible and made us realize the wonders.

All the above revelations were not originally given to me but it was preached by pastor Sam P Chelladurai ( recently on his sermon series "The blood of the Lamb". But, the Holy Spirit prompted me to consider the centers in New testament too and I eagerly did. Let's see to that. There are 27 books in the new testament and the middle one is 14th one as there are 13 books before and after. The 14th book is interestingly
2 Thessalonians. The two books of Thessalonians deal with the return of Christ and the 2nd Thessalonians contains 3 chapters. Again, applying the centers to the chapters, the middle chapter is 2 Thessalonians 2 and it's a surprise the second chapter contains the secrets of rapture, antichrist and the second coming. I said WOW. Our God is a God of wonders. He is a Masterpiece, God of Universe, and in every good thing we could see His hand. I would write a separate article about this chapter in future. But, please go through this chapter and meditate this chapter for yourself. I could see God confirming His works, the chapter contains 17 verses and again God is pointing about the importance of 17. [Please go through my earlier chapters on 2017 and 17]. The middle verse which is 9 again speaks about the coming of Antichrist and that will be with signs and false wonders and if we don't know the truth we will be easily deceived. What is worse is God Himself will send the delusion to the people who don't believe in truth so that they will worship antichrist.

That's it for this chapter. I would encourage the reader to do the same analysis on the old testament, on Isaiah 1-39 and get more revelations. Remember the opposition to Christians all over the world is on the raise and two churches in Egypt were bombed on the palm Sunday this year resulting in death of 45 people. Please pray for Christians all over the world and for whoever getting martyred, let them bring glorification to the name of the Lord and finally they all will get back their lives and inheritance in Christ Jesus. We are not afraid of death. For us, to die is to gain. Phil 1:21, Stand tall and fight on your knees. They may take our lives but final victory is going to be ours through our Lord and Savior and He is near, standing at the door. Maranatha, Amen.

All honor, glory, praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Holy is the Lord, we bless you Holy Father. I will bless Him all the times, His praise will be in my mouth forever. Psalms 34:1 Amen.

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